Slovenia Landmarks - skica / MAP

18. septembra 2007 je bilo zjutraj na območju Cerkljanskeg hribovja močno deževje, ki se je stopnjevalo do popoldneva. Ob 13 uri je deževje doseglo vrhunec in hudournik potoka Čerenščica, ki teče skozi sotesko Pasice, kjer je bila znamenita Partizanska bolnica Franja, danes muzej, se je v nekaj minutah izjemno dvignil in dobesedno odplaknil lesene objekte. V tem času zaradi slabega vremena v soteski na srečo ni bilo obiskovalcev. Oskrbnik Rade Panič, čigar opis dogodka poslušate v zvočnem ozadju tega prispevka, se je le s pomočjo svoje intuicije rešil iz nevarnosti. Celoten muzej je uničen, na svojem mestu sta ostali le dve baraki.
Leta 2005 je bila napravljena vizualizacija Partizanske bolnice Franja in si lahko v dani situaciji ogledate muzej v virtualni obliki.

It was very heavy rain in the area of Cerkljansko in the morning of September 18th 2007. The heavy rain had continued until the afternoon. At the 13 hour the rainfall reached the extreme and the brook of Cerenščica which flows in the Pasice gorge where was a legendary Partisan hospital Franja, raised extremely and in fact within few minutes washed away wooden shacks of the memorial museum where the Partisan hospital was. Fortunately there were no visitors. The custodian of the museum Mr. Rade Panič, who is explaining in the sound background of this article (in Slovenian language) his adventure of that moment, had escaped only because of his intuition. He ran for a life at this hour as did people from this region. Six people died, hundreds of cars were washed away as small toys, and settlements in this region were covered with the thousands of tons of the rubble... people lost everything and were without sustenance...
Such a heavy rain in a so short time period was extraordinary although the area of North-East Slovenia is among the rainiest areas of the Europe. Most probably it was the heaviest rain in the written history of the country and the most disastrous natural catastrophe in last 250 years.
In the year 2005, the museum was documented with the Virtual Reality panoramas - and now you can visit the Partisan hospital only virtually.

Celozaslonska prostorska slika - FULL SCREEN 360° Surround Photography
Celozaslonska prostorska slika - FULL SCREEN 360° Surround Photography
Celozaslonska prostorska slika - FULL SCREEN 360° Surround Photography
Celozaslonska prostorska slika - FULL SCREEN 360° Surround Photography
Celozaslonska prostorska slika - FULL SCREEN 360° Surround Photography
All rights of this site are reserved; avtor: Boštjan Burger, 19. september 2007
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