uvod - foreword
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
#1. Most z levim bregom Krke.
The bridge with the left bank of the Krka River.
#2. Vhod v grad.
The entrance into the castle.
#3. Čolnarna.
The boathouse.
#4. Sprehajalna steza.
The pathway.
#5. Sprehajalna steza.
The pathway.
#6. Osrednji del otoka
The central part of the isle.
#7. Obrežje - levi breg Krke.
Embankment - left bank of Krka River.
#8. Obrežje - desni breg Krke.
Embankment - right bank of Krka River.
#9. Grajsko dvorišče.
The courtyard.
#10. Grajsko dvorišče.
The courtyard.
#11. Obrežje
#12. Obrežje - skrajni južni del otoka.
Embankment - the southernmost part of the isle.
#13. Levi breg Krke - otok.
The left bank of Krka River - isle.
#14. Most z desnim bregom Krke.
The bridge with the right bank of the Krka River.

Otočec, all rights of this site are reserved; author: Boštjan Burger, June 2004