Škocjanske jame (2006)

VIRTUALNE EKSKURZIJE 360° virtual excursions

Burger.si je Mojaslovenija.si
Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Umeten tunel, ki povezuje udornico Globočak s Paradižem.

Artificial tunnel which connects colapsed doline Globočak with the interior of the Paradise.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Paradiž je 'prvi' del Tihe jame. Ime paradiž je ta del jame dobil po bogatem kapniškem okrasju.

The 'Paradise' is the first part of Tiha jama (The Silent Cave).

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Paradiž je 'prvi' del Tihe jame. Ime paradiž je ta del jame dobil po bogatem kapniškem okrasju.

The 'Paradise' is the first part of Tiha jama (The Silent Cave). The name was given by the rich decoration of stalactites.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

'Slap' sige v Paradižu.

'Waterfall' of calcareus sinter in Paradise.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography Podorna dvorana.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Podorna jama. Podorni bloki so nastali pred približno 10.000 leti, ko se je zmanjšal vnos kalcijevega karbonata zaradi ohladitve na površju in se je zmanjšala vezivna vloga sige.

Rockfalls are mostly from 10.000 years ago, when the cold climate caused less calcareus sinter which strengtens the roof of the cave.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography Podorna jama.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Spodnji del Podorne jame.

The lower part of Podorna jama (Rockfall Cave).

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Spodnji del Podorne jame.

The lower part of Podorna jama (Rockfall Cave).

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Prehod v Nizko jamo.

The passage to Nizka jama.

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Nizka jama z baldahinom je povezava med Podorno in Veliko dvorano.

Nizka jama (Lowered Cave) connects Podorna jama and Great hall.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Nizka jama z baldahinom je povezava med Podorno in Veliko dvorano.

Nizka jama (Lowered Cave) connects Podorna jama and Great hall.

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Prehod v Veliko dvorano pri 'Svinjskem ušesu' - posebni obliki sige.

The passage into Great hall.

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Velika dvorana.

The Great hall.

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Velika dvorana je visoka 30 m.

The Great hall is 30 m high.

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Velika dvorana.

The Great hall.

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Velika dvorana. Zaradi polzenja vode po steni so nastale tvorbe sige v obliki zaves.

The Great hall. Sliding water caused hte shape of curtain.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Velika dvorana. Kapniki na tleh (stalagmiti), so zelo veliki v primerjavi s kapniki na stropu (stalaktiti). Vzrok je v hitrosti padca vodne kapljice na tla (premešanja vodnih molekul), ki povzroči večji odstotek izločene sige. Velika dvorana je visoka 30 m. Najvišji stalagmit v Veliki dvorani je visok 25 m

The Great hall. Stalagmites on the bottom are much larger than stalactites on the top. The explanation is that the molecules of the fallen drop of water are mixed and that cause larger percent of the elimenated calcareus sinter.The Great hall is 30 m high. The tallest stalagmites the hall are up to 25 meters high.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography Tiha jama.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography Tiha jama.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography Tiha jama.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Tiha jama - v daljavi se sliši šumenje reke Reke v Šumeči jami.

Tiha jama (The Silent Cave) - the noise of the river from Šumeča jama can already be heard.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Tiha jama. Tla so iz debelega nanosa rečne naplavine, ki sega do dna Šumeče jame.

Tiha jama (The Silent Cave) - the bottom is from the thick alluvium which reaches the bottom of Šumeča jama.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Tiha jama - spust proti Šumeči jami.

Tiha jama (The Silent Cave) - the descent to Šumeča jama.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Leta 1965 se je reka dvignila do te točke, ki jo označuje oznaka (Reka, 2.9.1965).

Tiha jama (The Silent Cave) - the descent to Šumeča jama.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Še zadnji pogled iz Tihe jame v Šumečo jamo.

The last look from Tiha jama to the underground canyon of Šumeča jama.

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Šumeča jama.

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Pogled na največji poznani podzemni kanjon v Evropi.

View to the largest so far known underground canyon in Europe.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Pogled na Cerkvenikov most, ki je približno 40 m nad dnom podzemne reke.

View at Cerkvenik bridge which is about 40 m above the bottom of the riverbed.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography Cerkvenikov most
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Cerkvenikov most. Pogled proti Hankejevemu kanalu.

Cerkvenik bridge. View towards the Hanke channel.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Cerkvenikov most. Pogled nazaj proti izhodu (vhodu) iz Tihe jame.

Cerkvenik bridge. View back towards the Tiha jama.

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Šumeča jama.

'Mouromoring cave'

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Šumeča jama. Pogled nazaj proti izhodu (vhodu) iz Tihe jame.

Šumeča jama (Noisy cave). View back towards the trail from Tiha jama.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Pot po Šumeči jami poteka nad desnim bregom podzemne rečne struge. Nivo vode čez leto močno niha. V poletnih mesecih skozi jamoteče potoček, medtem ko jeseni in spomladi hrumi skoznjo mogočna reka.

The path trough the Murmuring Cave leads above the right bank of the river bed, where the fluctuations in the water level are considerable. In summer there is just a stream, strolling through the cave, which transforms into huge roaring river in spring and autumn.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Šumeča jama. Prostorska slika prikazuje nizek nivo podzemne reke. Ob pozornem pogledu na dno podzemne soteske se na levem bregu vidijo tvorbe sige v obliki ponvic.

The Murmuring Cave. surround photographjy displays low lewel of the underground river. On the opposite bank of the river can be seen limestone pools.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Šumeča jama. Podzemna soteska, stanje oktober 2006 ob nizkem vodostaju reke Reke.

The Murmuring Cave. Underground canyon, situation: October 2006 with the low water level of the Reka river.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Šumeča jama.

The Murmuring Cave.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography Šumeča jama.

The Murmuring Cave.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Šumeča jama. Čebulasti kapniki.

The Murmuring Cave. Onion like shaped stalactites.

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Limestone pools.

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Limestone pools.

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Limestone pools.

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Zadnji pogled na Šumečo jamo.

Last view to Murumuring cave.

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Schmidlova dvorana.

Schmidl hall.

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Vhod reke Reke v Škocjanske jame.

The entrance of the river Reka into Škocjan caves.

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Vhod reke Reke v Škocjanske jame.

The entrrance of the river Reka into Škocjan caves.

360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography Velika dolina.
360° prostorska fotografija - 360° Surround photography

Velika dolina - nad vhodom reke v podzemlje.

Velika dolina - above the entrance of the river into underground.


(c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2021