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prvo nadstropje - first floor pritličje - ground floor Prešeren po Prešernu 1800 - 1828 1828 - 1846 1828 - 1846 Prešernova soba

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V sobi, kjer je v Prešernovem času prebival njegov pisar Andrej Rudolf, je poudarek na Zdravljici, izidu Poezij in njegovem odhodu v Kranj jeseni 1846. Prav tako je tu razstavljen del bogatega knjižnega gradiva, ki zajema posmrtne izdaje Poezij, prešernoslovje, leposlovje, prevode in njegove uglasbene pesmi.

The former room of the scribe Andrej Rudolf is dedicated to Prešeren’s most famous poem A Toast, publishing of the Poems and his arrival in Kranj in 1846. Here the predominant part of the rich museum fond comprising several post humno editions of Poems, translations and misic of his poems are exhibited.