Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto Uvod-prologue Dolenjski muzej

Zbirka novejše zgodovine sega v obdobje prvih organiziranih nastopov delavstva pred prvo svrtovno vojno in se konča z osvoboditvijo Novega mesta 8. maja 1945. Zbirko dopolnjuje spominska avla z imeni preko 3000 padlih borcev, aktivistov in žrtev fašističnega in nacističnega nasilja s tega območja.
Oddelek zbira, hrani in preučuje predvsem gradivo 20. stoletja. Ima svoj arhiv, zanimivo zbirko plakatov in letakov, številne predmete iz druge svetovne vojne ter bogato fototeko.

Recent history collection starts in time with first organised labour activities before the First World War and ends with the liberation of Novo mesto on the 8th May of 1945. Collection is amended with Memorial Hall where the names of over 3000 killed freedom fighters and victims of Nazifacistic terror from Dolenjska are displayed.
This department mostly collects, studies and keeps historical objects from this century. In its archives there are interesting colection of posters and leaflets, many objects related to the Second World War, as well as ample collection of photographs.
