Zelezna jama uvod - prologue slovensko english The Krumperk Castle
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[nazaj] ROBIČEVA ZBIRKA [napre j]

Simon Robič je bil v letih 1856 do 1859 kaplan v Dobu, kasneje pa župnik na Šenturški gori. Kot navdušenemu naravoslovcu so mu pozornost vzbudile tudi podzemske jame v okolici Doba. V teh jamah je našel posebno vrsto slepih hroščev, ki so jih strokovnjaki imenovali po njem robiči.
Na obletnico Robičeve smrti domžalski jamarji že več kot deset let zapored pripravljajo na Šenturški gori spominsko slovesnost. Na Jamarskem domu je na ogled del zbirke, ki je obsegala: 5615 hroščev, 10751 mehkužcev, ki obsega 2750 vrst in je v lasti Narodnega muzeja v Ljubljani. Po njem se imenuje 10 polžev. V njegovi zbirki je bilo mogoče najti tudi 1935 fosilov, 1500 mahov in gliv.

The Robič collection
Simon Robič was during the years 1856 - 1859 a vicar in the village of Dob and later a priest on the Šentjurška gora. He was enthusiastic naturalist and his attention was drawn by the caves in the Dob area. In these caves he found a new species of blind beetles which are named after him robiči. After him also 10 snail are named,.
On the anniversary of his death the cavers from Domžale caving society for tens of year now organise each year a memorial on the Šentjurška gora.
In the caver cottage there is exposed a part of Simon Robič collection which originally consists of 5615 beetles, 10751 molluscs and comprises 2750 animal species. It belong to the National museum in Ljubljana now. There are also 1935 fossils, 1500 mosses and mushrooms in the collection.