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Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks


Virtualna ekskurzija :: Virtual excursion

virtual excursion 360° (2008)

Virtual walk from Litja to Čatež je

Above the characteristic meander, on the left bank of the Sava River, lies the newer and today more extensive part of Litija, also called Graz. The old part of Litija, which is connected to Graz by a bridge over the Sava, lies on the right bank of the Sava, which east of the city passes into the breakthrough valley of the Zasavje hills. The bridge over the Sava River was built in Litija in 1852. Today, Litija is a municipal center that developed from a riparian place and a river port on the Sava River, along which an important transport connection once ran. The settlement was first mentioned in written sources in 1145. One of the explanations is that the name Litija comes from the Latin word "litus" - shore. After the construction of the Vienna-Trieste Southern Railway after 1849, Litija experienced a favorable economic development.

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