
[Slovenija|Kromberk|Nova Gorica|Solkan]
PROSTORSKE FOTOGRAFIJE - 360° Surround Photography
#1 Celozaslonski prikaz - Full Screen QTVR Vzhodna stran grajske stavbe.
Eastern side of the castle.
#2 Celozaslonski prikaz - Full Screen QTVR Severna stran grajske stavbe.
Northern side of the castle.
Celozaslonski prikaz - Full Screen QTVR Grajski park z vodometom
Park with the fountain
Celozaslonski prikaz - Full Screen QTVR Južna stran
Southern side
#3 Celozaslonski prikaz - Full Screen QTVR Vhodna veža
The entrance hall.
#4 Celozaslonski prikaz - Full Screen QTVR Goriški muzej
Gorica museum
#5 Celozaslonski prikaz - Full Screen QTVR Galerija starejše umetnosti z oddelkom gotskega kiparstva.
#6 Celozaslonski prikaz - Full Screen QTVR Gallery of old art, including Gothic sculpture.

[Slovenija|Kromberk|Nova Gorica|Solkan]